
Dressing for Success

Today on my calendar I wrote day 59. Yep, 59 days, just shy of two months in quarantine, and staying home.

Besides going outside to take the dogs for a walk, go for a run around the neighborhood or get in the car for a joy ride around town, I haven’t left my house very much. If you are like me and probably most of the population of the world, getting ready these days looks a little different than normal.

Instead of hopping in the shower, you may choose to stay put in your pj’s for the day or when/if you do take a shower you are faced with the very difficult decision of what fresh pair of pajamas or athleisure outfit to wear for the day.

I’m saying all of this because I relate SO much with this right now, and it’s starting to become harder to remember what day it is, the last time I washed my hair, or if I changed my underwear (no worries, I remembered today).

I’m here to tell you something magical (although you might already be doing it) that I have discovered within the past few weeks…

If you clean yourself up, do your hair, (for my ladies maybe throw on a little bit of makeup if you want) go into your closet and choose something other than a groufit (gray + outfit = groufit), maybe just maybe you will feel more productive, have more energy, confidence, and all-around be happier. 

So much of what we are going through within this quarantine is out of our control, and if you haven’t had a few little mental breakdowns here and there, please tell me your secret so that I can share it with the world. Though, if you find some normalcy within these strange circumstances, I’m going out on a whim here, but you just might feel a little bit better.

Even though I’m suggesting this as something to do now while we are in quarantine, I think it is something we should be doing all the time!

Taking care of yourself and making yourself feel good, even if it is as simple as taking a long shower or putting on your favorite shoes, is an instant pick me up.

Dress the way you want to feel.

Maybe this is coming from my acting background a little but dress the part. Today as I’m typing this, I said to myself, ” You know what, I’m going to dress like the business women I dream to be one day,” so I put on my watch and blue-light blocking glasses and voila, I instantly feel very official (though I promise you it is definitely amateur hour over here).

So here is my challenge to you…

Put yourself together today for how you want to feel and I also challenge you not to just do this today, but every day! You may not have anywhere to go or people to see, but show up for the most important person there is… YOU.

That’s right! Make yourself feel good, make yourself light up by looking in the mirror, and saying, “Damn I look good as hell,”(cue Lizzo) because that is the attitude you need all the time!

So come on, have fun, and throw yourself a mini fashion show if you need to find the perfect feel-good outfit.

Do this for you, because you deserve it!